
We have chosen to include selected service items into Programs. We can deliver at a lower cost and you receive a better price.

Simple Transparent Pricing. We set pricing based on standard listed costs for known service items. Could you imagine going to have your brakes done at a garage and the shop said “Ok, I’ll say $300.00 is the price”. Do you not ask for a break down of what is going to be completed, what parts are to be used. Just writing down a price on a piece of paper doesn’t do much to quantify why the price is what it is.

Plant Protection Program. Rest assured we have your plants covered.

Site Inspection. We are going far beyond landscape maintenance. The goal is to provide you with a detailed review and report on your outdoor environment. The two key drivers are; Safety and Security.



Organic Care. You’re concerned about the environment. We are too. While maintaining your landscape using natural methods and products, the full ecology with start to come back into your landscape. There is a fallacy that organic care has to be expensive and time-consuming. It really depends on how you deploy the program and manage it.